Problems with Search EnginesAs with any search engine, your success with this search box depends on how the search engine (in this case Google) has indexed the site. It is always possible that the site has been updated more recently than the search engine has indexed the site. This may mean that your search takes you to a page that used to have the text you are searching for, but does not any longer. The flip-side is also possible. There may be text on a page that will not show up through this search because the indexing is not up-to-date. You may also notice that the text shown on the search results does not match the actual text on the page. The text shown on the search results are based on the most recent indexing, not on the actual page. (We have no control over how often the site is indexed. While it can be frustrating to deal with these indexing problems while searching, the reality is that it is this indexing that allows search engines to find your information so quickly.) Query LanguageThe text search engine allows queries to be formed from arbitrary Boolean expressions containing the keywords AND, OR, and NOT, and grouped with parentheses. For example:
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