Upcoming Meetings & Events
15 Sunday 1:30 - Trustees Meeting
21 Saturday 10:00 - Clean up and inventory at the cabin and museum
19 Sunday 1:30 - We will be meeting at the Owensville Commons (263 W. Main
Street, Owensville - Behind the Post Office). Jim Varick, our webmaster,
will be speaking on local history resources on the internet.
17 Sunday 12:00 to 4:00 - Open house at the museum and the cabin
28 Sunday 1:30 (Pushed back a week due to Father's Day) - Speaker & Prepare for
the Clermont County Fair
26 Sunday through Saturday August 1 - Clermont County Fair
16 Sunday 1:30 - Trustees Meeting
11 Friday - Work Day at the museum and the cabin
12 Saturday 12:00 to 5:00 - Open house at the museum and the cabin
13 Sunday 12:00 to 5:00 - Open house at the museum and the cabin
20 Sunday 1:00 - Picnic at the museum
25 Sunday 1:00 - House Tours (Meet at the shelter at Gauche Park at 1:00 to
carpool to the houses)
8 Sunday 1:30 - In honor of
Veteran's Day, our speaker will be Steve Simms. He will share his experiences in
Vietnam, including the miraculous circumstances of his surviving an enemy
ambush. Election of Officers
6 Sunday 1:00 - Christmas Luncheon at Jackson Township Hall (Justin Burwinkel
will be giving a slide presentation of his beautiful photographs of Ohio
11 Friday 7:00 - Judging of houses and doors in the Village of Owensville
12 Saturday 12:00 to 4:00 - Open house at the museum and the cabin
12 Saturday 6:30 to 8:00 - Owensville Village Christmas Party at the Village
Hall. Santa will arrive at 7:00. There will be carols, bags of treats for
the children, refreshments, and a free picture with Santa.